Sunday, January 26, 2020

Analysis Of Basf Chemical Company Commerce Essay

Analysis Of Basf Chemical Company Commerce Essay Here is background of BASF Company. BASF is leading chemical company on the world market. It has four production market departments: Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Moreover, the production of the company is separate in sex different segments: Chemicals, Plastics, Performance Products, Functional Solution, Agricultural Solution and Oil Gas. The department located in Germany is oriented in production of personal care products, so called Performance Products. BASF does not sell product to the final customer. Its products are intermediates like catalysts, molecules and raw materials, which are used from other manufacture companies. The main mission of the company is to produce products for sustainable future. The report objective is to analyzing the external and internal environment of BASF Company. This is useful for understanding the company`s current situation. Based on these analysis, this report gives recommendations to the company, how to keep its position on the market and to use on the best way its opportunities. Research information was collected in the fallowing way. Firstly, was done the secondary research. For it the main source was internet. Secondly, the primary research was done by conducting an interview with Mrs. Sengel, who is member of Executive Board of the company. Finally, based on collected information the company`s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats was analyzed with used of SWOT analysis. Based on the analyzed information, research results are as fallow. BASF is leading company on chemicals market. One of the company`s strength are so called Verbund sides perfect conglomerates between different departments of the company. Every product produced in the company is used in the most efficient way. BASF has opportunity to rising commodity chemicals market in regions like Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East. The company is negative influenced by some economical factors like increasing energy prices and current credit crisis. Moreover, the negative political factors which influence the company are different laws and regulars in European Union about Genno modified products and some kind of molecules. The threat for the company is raising competition. In conclusion, BASF is leading company with a lot of strengths and opportunities. There are some external threats, which influence the company. Nevertheless, if the company use its own potentialities and hold on external negative factors, it can develop its market positions and to expect its great future. Recommendations are as fallow. Firstly, the most important thing for the company is to make innovations. This gives opportunity to BASF to be better than competitors. The company can develop the business if it is oriented to the market place in new development countries like Asia and Middle East. Secondly, internal environment of BASF will be better if there are more common and strictly rules for the employees of every department. Moreover, the company has to hold the good communication within the different departments. Finally, if company makes more researches it will know better the customers needs and demands. To close, BASF has to do everything possible to create products for sustainable future. III. Preface Here is the framework within which this report has been written. This report functions as a final output of PLA1-Project Organisation of Business. During this project, we worked in a group of students. Our purpose was to analyze a chemistry company BASF located in Dusseldorf, Germany. This is how we made our purpose, reality. During lectures, we studied theories of primary and secondary research, useful for analysis of a company. After that, we did secondary research into BASF`s internal organization. Furthermore, we did interview with Mrs. Sengel, who is member of Executive Board of the company. All of this data, our group prepared a group file. Finally, the collected information was analyzed. Based on this analysis, the individual report was written, that now lies before you. In this report, I address the fallowing audience. My primary audience is my lecture M.Sc. M.Hajjoubi, who will graduate my report. My secondary audience is every person who works in BASF Company and who is interested in read it. I would like to express my gratitude to the fallowing people. First, I would like to thank to my group members Simon Braun, Muzzeyen Gundoghu, Anna Wolter, Ivet Mladenova, Mo Vania and Radu. It was pleasure and really useful experience to work together with you as a team. Secondly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for our PLA1`s lecture M.Sc. M. Hajjoubi, whose consultations, guidance, understanding and patience support us from our fist week till the end of this project. Thirdly, special thanks are due to Miss. C. Jacobs, for her efforts and guidance to improve our language skills. Last but not least, I proffer my heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Sengel with who we made our interview. Without contribution of these people, this analysis would not have been possible. Place: Venlo, the Netherlands 11th November, 2012 Eleonora Georgieva Table of contents PLA1 report Title page à Ã¢â‚¬   Summary à Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬   Preface à Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬   Table of contents à Ã¢â‚¬  V Glossary V 1. Introduction 1 2. Company description 2 2.1 General company description 2 2.2 Product description 2 3. Project description 3 3.1 Project description 3 3.2 Project aim 3 3.3 Research approach 3 4. Theoretical framework 4 4.1 External analysis 4 4.2 Internal analysis 5 4.3 SWOT overview 6 5. External analysis 7 5.1 Political factors 7 5.2 Economic factors 7 5.3 Social factors 7 5.4 Technological factors 7 6. Internal analysis 8 6.1 McKinsey 7S framework 8 6.2 Interconnection of the 7s 9 7. SWOT overview 11 8. Conclusion 12 9. Recommendation 13 10. Critical appraisal 14 Reference list Appendix 1 15 V. Glossary PEST Analysis Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors which are analyzed SWOT Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis R D Research and Development department 1. Introduction To start, here is the macro perspective on BASF Chemical Company. BASF is one of the leading chemical companies in the world, like this BASF is influenced by many political and economical factors. Different laws and regulations determine the production of the company. Moreover, the technological factor has hardly influence in this area of chemical production, where the innovations are leading force. In addition, the main mission of the company is to create chemistry for the sustainable future. Consequently, BASF Company has a lot of strategic methods to achieve its goals. This report has some objectives. To start, one of the main objectives of the report is to analyze BASF Company. To show the strengths and opportunities of the company`s future development. On the other hand, this report presents the weaknesses and threats of the company, for which it gives advice to make BASF more successful. In other words, this report aims to gives advice to BASF Company how to improve its internal and external situation. The following information was collected for this report. For collecting of information were used two main research methodologies. First, secondary research was done on micro and macro environment of BASF Company, for which the main source was used internet. Second, the primary research was done by conducting an interview with Mrs. Sengel, who is member of Executive Board of the company. The report has the fallowing structure. In chapter two, BASF Company and its product line are shown. In chapter three, the project`s description and aim are explained. Chapter four of the report is the Theoretical Framework of the report, in which the McKinsey`s seven S model, PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are theoretically described. In chapter five and six, PEST analysis and McKinsey`s seven S model are attached to collected information. PEST analysis is used to analyze BASF`s eternal environment, while the McKinsey`s model is used to analyze BASF`s internal organization. In chapter seven, is shown SWOT analysis based on the collected information. In chapter eight the conclusions based on the analyses are drawn. In chapter nine, recommendations for company improvement are given. In chapter ten, this report is critically appraised. 2. Company description 2.1 General Company Information Here is general information about BASF Company. BASF is the leading chemical company, which chemicals are used in almost all industries. The production of the company is separate in six different segments: Chemicals, Plastics, Performance Products, Functional Solution, Agricultural Solution and Oil Gas. BASF like an International company has 70 global and regional business units around the world. The department in Germany is thoroughly oriented in produce of Performance Products. BASF combine economic success, social responsibility and environment protection. The main mission of the company is to create chemistry for a sustainable future. BASFs 111, 141 employees, located all over the world, help the company to achieve its goals. BASF is market oriented in four main areas: Europe, North America, South America and Asia. In 2011, the most sales are made in Europe and company`s annual turnover amounted to 73, 5 billion Euros. 2.2 Product Description Germany`s department of BSAF has a broad range of products. The main segment is called Performance Products, which includes the fallowing product lines: Dispersions and Pigments, Care Chemicals, Nutrition and Health, Paper Chemicals and Performance Chemicals. The product portfolio of the company in this segment includes vitamins and foods additives, ingredients for pharmaceuticals and for hygiene, home and personal care items. Examples are products for hair care, sun and decorative care, body care, facial and oral care. The company does not offer products to the final client. BASF develop and sale molecules, catalysts and ingredients to the other companies which use this things for manufactures of products for final client. These things are not end- product; they are intermediate products which go to other steps of the production process. 3. Project description This chapter will give project description. The chapter will be separate in tree sub chapters, which will describe project description, project aim and research approach. 3.1 Project description This sub chapter will show the project description. To start, BASF is one of the leading chemical companies on the world market. In this market there is a big competition. Firstly, the future opportunity for the company is to create new products. Secondly, to find new market`s possibilities. Thirdly, one of the most important things in this branch is innovation. On the whole, to achieve its goals, BASF have to understand its own strengths and weaknesses. 3.2. Project aim The purpose of this sub chapter is to explain the project aim. For this project was collected information about external and internal environment of BASF Company. The aim of this project is to understand the company`s situation based on McKinsey 7S analysis, PEST and SWOT analysis and based on it to give recommendations about BASF`s future development. Furthermore, to show BASF`s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In other words, these are most important factors which describe present situation and future possibilities for one organization. 3.3 Research approach To start, for analysis of BASF Company`s present situation are used two research methods. First, the primary research was done by conducting an interview with Mrs. Sengel, who is member of Executive Board of the company. This information is used for internal analysis of the company. Second, the external environment is analyzed by secondary research method. This includes McKinsey 7S analysis and PEST analysis. Thirdly, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are described with use of SWOT analysis. In conclusion, all of collected information is used to give recommendations of the company, about its future development. *The world can be seen in the Glossary 4. Theoretical framework The purpose of chapter four is to show the theoretical framework of internal and external analysis. Hence, the real companys situation will be shown. First, in sub-chapter 4.1 will be shown the internal analysis- McKinsey 7S model. The model include seven elements, which are separated in so called hard S`s Strategy, Structure and Systems and four so called soft S`s Shared Values, Skills, Staff and Style. Second, in 4.2 will be discusse the external PEST analysis. In other words, Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological factors that influence the company will be include. Finally, in 4.3 SWOT- overview of the company will be given. 4.1 Internal analysis Figure 1: McKinsey 7S model 7S.gif Source: 7S strategy software In this paragraph will be shown the so called hard S`s of McKinsey 7S model. Firstly, Strategy describes actions and plans of an organization to achieve specific goals. The external environment influences the company and its strategy. Thus the enterprise prepares to adapt on changes and to determine the right place among customer and competitors. Secondly, Structure describes the hierarchy of the company. It shows the relationships between the people which work in the organization. It can be seen on the organization chart. It always depends from the business strategy, form the business internationalization, size and diversity. The third S from so called hard Ss is Systems. Systems are all procedures which company uses to operate every day. This includes internal and external procedures. Systems are directly related to the Structure and Strategy of the company, because they describe the main practices of the organization to achieve its goals (Cuypers 2010, 3-9). The soft S from McKinsey 7S model, which will be given in this paragraph includes Shared Values, Skills, Staff and Style. Peters and Watermans (1984) argued that shared Values in 7S analysis determine the core guiding principles of the company. Moreover, it refers to what an organization stands for and believes in. Understanding the Shared Values of the company is the easiest way to find the main ideas and goals of the enterprise. To achieve these goals helps Skills. Skills are the unique abilities of the company. Skills describe the capacity and quality of the company in contrast with the competitors. It refers to the learned capability of staff within the company. Very important here is quality of the products and services within the organization. These things are related with the Staff and Style of the company. Staff refers to the number and type of people employed by the company. However, staff describes the processes used to manage the careers of employees. It is related to the Style, because it is directly dependent on the human resources system that manage the way staff is encourage, reward and motivate. Style is the work culture. It is describe the main way in which senior managers run the organization. It is related to the system that influences the procedures in the company. The most important things that style describes are how managers allocated their time, beliefs and their leadership skills. The main factors are the size and the structure of the organization which determines how different departments inside of the company are managed (Spencer, 2011). 4.2 External analysis In the first place, every organization depends on the political factors. Political factors include government regulations and legal issues. The political factors define the structure of the company and the rules under which the company must operated. It depends on the structure, because in the different countries the trade restrictions, tariffs, tax policy and employment laws are not the same (Oxford University Press, 2004). The second factor which directly influences every kind of company or organisation is the economic factor. The economic environment consist different factors, for example income and income distribution, current and project economic growth, inflation and interest rate. This environment can offer to the company both opportunities and threats. Understanding of economic environment determined the company development (Oxford University Press, 2004). Thirdly, the company is influenced by social factors. This lifestyle trends and demographic changes determined the consumer behavior. The main purpose of every company is to understand which exactly are the consumers wants and needs. If social-cultural changes are clear, it is easier for the company to developing strategies and practices to achieve its goals (Oxford University Press, 2004). Finally, in these days, one of most important factors which influence the company is technological environment. This is the most dramatic and the fastest development factor. These are forces that create new technologies, products and market opportunities. In the world of technology, the company has to be open and prepare for new opportunities (Oxford University Press, 2004). 4.3 SWOT According to Berry, the SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organizations. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (Berry, 2012). Strengths are internal capabilities that may help the company to reach its objectives; in contrast weaknesses may interfere for that. This includes understanding of the internal environment or the situation inside of the company or organisation. The factors which determined the straightness and weaknesses of the company are tend to be in the present. Factors are relating to products, pricing, quality, staff and processes within the company. With understanding of these factors the company may understand the unique selling proposition and how to improve it (Berry, 2012). Opportunities and threats are related with the external environment which shows the situation outside of the company or organisation. Here, the factors tend have to be in future. Factors here are relating with markets opportunities fashions, trends, seasonability, politics, society, competitors and every other external factor which influence the company. With understanding of opportunities company is able to exploit the external factors to its advantage. Threats are negative factors that may challenge the company`s performance (Berry, 2012). 5. External analysis This chapter explains the external environment analysis PEST. The chapter is divided into four sub charters. Firstly, sub chapter 5.1 will give the Political factors, which influence the BASF Company. Secondly, 5.2 illustrate Economic factors. Thirdly, 5.3 show Social factors. Finally, sub chapter 5.4 analyzes Technological factors which influence the company. 5.1 Political factors There are some political factors, which influence BASF Chemical Company. One of these factors is a common initiative for a sustainable chemicals industry has launched by European Union in 2005 year. This factor has a positive effect on BASF, because the mission of the company is to create chemicals for sustainable future. This political factor gives opportunity to the company to make more innovations with collaboration on European Union. The negative political factor for the company is unfavorable political environment. In European Union there are different laws and regulations about Genno- modified products and some molecule products. For these reason USA is more favorable market for these kinds of products (Thomas, 2005). 5.2 Economical factors One of the results from present credit crisis is reduced consumption of customers. This is strong factor, which influence BASF Company. It makes the future more unstable and precariously. Only the best companies with the best products could keep their market`s place. The second economic factor which influences BASF is increasing energy prices. It is negative because it could damage chemicals industry competitiveness further. On the other hand, there is increasing competition from new economic powers, such as China. To avoid these negative factors, BASF Company could orientate to different markets, such as Africa and Middle East (Thomas, 2005). 5.3 Social factors In chemical`s industry is very complicated to find new well educated faces. The reason is the fact that young people choose other careers in different branch. Young talents in chemical`s branch, which are well educated require very high remuneration and good working conditions. BASF Company is working to improve matters. Flexible working time is one of decisions of the problem. On this way could be attached qualified labour (Thomas, 2005). 5.4 Technological factors For BASF Company the technological innovations are very important. The main reason is that technological innovations gives opportunity to the company to make products better, and to add new products in company`s portfolio. The company is focus of solutions for sustainable future, and definitely innovations are the key point for it. At all, the global technology platforms act as partners in product development (Thomas, 2005). 6. Internal analysis 6.1 McKinsey seven S framework To start, for BASF like as world`s leading chemistry company is very important to strengthen its position on the market. To achieve this goal, company has to focus their business on customer`s needs and demands. In chemistry market, and for company, which do not produce product for the final consumer is required to focus on innovation, to create new products and functionalized materials, and to find new solutions for more sustainable future. These things are very important too, for the other aim of the company, which is to increase year`s profit with average four percent per year, and to grow two percentage points faster than global chemical production (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). The structure of BASF Company is a Matrix structure. The Matrix organizational structure divides authority both by functional area and project area. In BASF there is Board of Executive Directors which consist eight members. They are responsible for the management of the company. The Board of Executive Directors regularly reports to The Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board consist 12 members, six shareholders representative elected by the Annual meeting and six members appointed by the representative body of the employees. Every country and every different department in BASF Company has a chief, who are supervise from the Chairman of the management board Kurt Bock (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). The company systems are very important for the business and for good done work. BASF has an own marketing department in every country where the company is located. In addition, they have supporting marketing agency outside the company, which helps them to develop the motives and the way BASF wants to present itself to the customers. Like a chemicals company, BASF use only trait media for advertising home personal care magazines or euro- cosmetic magazine, which are special magazines for cosmetic market. To exist and to be successful a big company like BASF is necessary to have fixed rules and good communication between different departments. Primary method within the company to discuss the problems and development in the market are manager`s meetings. The complicated structure of the company determined the need from daily meetings of the leader figures in the organization, much that the other companies (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). One of BASF`s goals is to make rules and system more common in the different countries. The leader style in the company allows to employees to share their ideas about innovations. Every idea on issue placed by some of employees is consider, but the main decision is always taken by The Supervisory Board. In the same time, the management style is people oriented, one of the most important things for the company is to understand consumer needs, and to create values for them (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). BASF is company with almost 200  000 employees. Every day in Germany for BASF works 54  000 employees. They work in different departments but the responsibility for their work is taken by managers of every department. There are a lot of frameworks and guides which are coming from the central department, and which are common for every employee. The employees have to respect the rules and framework given by the main department. Rewards and warnings in the company depend from Human Resource Department. There is not something special within the company, they fallow the legal system. Every employee has a set of target which is called employee dialogue. This makes management style in the company open for ideas from employees. Employee dialogue gives opportunity to employees to talk about the goals which they are achieving in the year and to share new ideas. The incentive system in the company is connected with reward as money bonuses for well done job (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 201 2). BASF Company, as company which do not produce product for the final customers, it is very important to makes products better, healthier and safer than competitors. The reason is that the end consumer never seen and could not understand that BASF Company is better than competitors, and cannot contrast them. The most important thing for the company are innovations, this is the only way that company can be unique and distinctive from competitors. The Company spending a lot of money every year to make research, which helps to find new opportunities for development. In the same time, the company makes everything possible to have products which are already developed and to make them successful on the market. The main question for BASF is to understand better than competitors what are exactly consumer`s needs and to be ready to satisfy these needs on time (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). The core value of BASF is to create chemistry for sustainable future. To achieve its goals BASF tries to be a company with innovative products, intelligent solution of problems and good service departments. The company strives to be the world most widespread supplier in the chemical industry and to generate high return of its assets. It wants to reach these intentions without harming the environment and nature (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). 6.2 Interconnection of the seven S To start, for BASF like as world`s leading chemistry company is very important to strengthen its position on the market. For achieve its goal for the Company is necessary to make its products better than competition and to has high quality of its services. For this helps The Matrix organisational structure and the management style of BASF, which is people oriented oriented to understand customers needs. The company is focus on innovations and every decision for a new idea is taken by The Supervisory Board. For the company`s success is important to have good communication between the different departments and to have fixed rules. In BASF this is achieve with regular meetings of The Board of Executive Directors. The company strives to be the world most widespread supplier in the chemical industry and to generate high return of its assets. For these goals, company has to employ highly qualified staff. Moreover, the leader system of the company is focuses to encourage the employees to share their new ideas. For this, the company use so called Employee dialogue. On the other hand, the company has to invest in researches. The RD department is responsible to find new market opportunities for BASF. The main mission of BASF is to create chemicals for sustainable future. For this goal helps the good organisation structure, cooperation between departments. On the other hand, very important are employees and the way they are managed. Very important are innovations and the style of the company. All of these things determined the current situation of the company and its future position and development of the market. 7. SWOT overview First, BASF Company is one of the leading chemicals company in the world. This factor gives chance to the company, to manage the big part of the market and to have hard influence on smaller chemicals companies. Moreover, as so international and big company BASF has a lot of production sides around the world. One of the company`s strengths are production sides, so called Verbund sides. These sides have really good conglomerates of the production. This conglomeration allows, every kind of product produced within the company, to be used in the most efficient way. Different materials produced in one department of the company, can be used in another one, which means that the BASF Company produce raw materials which use in its own production. Besides, this allows to the company, to produce a lot of different materials and products, to make innovations in this sector and to create more value for the customers than competitors (YouSigma 2011). Second, BASF Company has a huge profit in the last year. Nevertheless, in the last few years is observed declining earnings in several business segments, which is one of the company`s weakness. There are several reasons about this fact. The firs reason, is one of the company threats, is the Economic slowdown in the European Union Region, which is due of the present credit crisis. The credit crisis in these days covers and influence, both small and in the same way huge companies like BASF. The other reason is that people in European Union have possibility to choose between hundred different products. Here the competition is really strong and the market in Europe is developed till maximum. One of company opportunities is to rising commodity chemicals market in regions like Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East. These are the growth regions of the future, for almost every kind of industry, because the growth rate of profit in future in European countries would not be so high. The other o pportunity for the company is always to develop new products and new ideas (YouSigma 2011). Figure 2: SWOT analysis table Location of factor Favorable Unfavorable Internal Strengths Leading chemical company Concept of Verbund Variety of products Weaknesses Decrease earning in some countries Less expenditure for RD External Opportunities Product innovations Expand the business in Africa, Asia and Middle East Threats Laws and regulations Economic slowdown in European Union 8. Conclusion BASF is international company, which is leader in chemical market. The company production is separated in six different departments and its market is oriented in f

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Creating a Healthy City Essay

What Would a Healthy City Look Like A healthy city would be filled with clean air and a safe and high quality environment, with all basic needs such as water, food, and shelter for all residents. There would be ample education supplied for everyone, and in turn diverse employment opportunities so that more residents will have jobs. A healthy city would have plenty of recreational areas for its residents, and a public transportation system that would help residents travel safely between home and work. There would also be a superior level of appropriate public health care services and accessibility. (Hilgenkamp 364). Like a truly healthy human body, a truly healthy community is one in which all systems function as they should, and work together to make the community function well. Obstacles to Becoming a Healthy City One of the biggest challenges in creating a healthy community coalition is to sustain the members’ involvement in the process. This challenge can be overcome in part by agreeing as early as possible on a vision for the community. Although a Healthy Cities/Healthy Communities initiative should not be top-down, it needs the commitment and backing of those with the power to make things happen. Officials can use the media to publicize the effort, pass laws and regulations (and enforce those already existing) that reinforce it, and throw the weight and resources of government behind it. Without official support, a community-wide effort is more likely to fail. Financial Issues in Creating a Health City The ultimate goal here is the development of a truly healthy community, which translates to improving the quality of life for everyone in the community. This is not done without cost. Improving existing and building new parks can be very costly. Another high cost to a healthy community is the medical  treatment of the sick without insurance. This can be a high tax burden on the citizens, which can depreciate the health value of the community. Revamping a city’s infrastructure, such as wastewater treatment and water supply can be another costly expenditure in becoming a clean city. Benefits of a Healthy City Creating and sustaining a good healthy city has many benefits. A solid healty community provides: †¢Shelter adequate to the climate, to the needs of the occupants, and to withstand extremes of weather. †¢Education for children (and often adults as well, as in the case of adult literacy) that is free, adequate to equip them for a productive and comfortable life in their society. †¢Not just food, but enough of it, and of adequate nutritional value, to assure continued health and vigor for adults, and proper development for children. †¢A stable ecosystem. Clean air, clean water, and protection of the natural environment. †¢Sustainable resources that include water, farmland, minerals, industrial resources, power sources (sun, wind, water, biomass), plants, animals. †¢Employment that provides an income adequate for a reasonable quality of life, and public support for those who are unable to work or find jobs. What is Environmental Health In order to define and completely understand environmental health, we should first break each of its components down and define them. The World Health Organization defines health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.† The environment is defined as â€Å"All conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development or existence of people or other living things.† (Hilgenkamp 1) Environmental health in turn is essentially how we can prevent disease and create a health-supportive environment along with its related systems. Environmental health is the understanding of how we can sustain life on the planet for all future generations to come. Healthy City’s Importance to Environmental Health The WHO defines the Healthy City as â€Å"one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in  performing all the functions of life and in developing to their maximum potential.† A healthy city is not about the health sector only. It includes health considerations in economic, regeneration and urban development efforts. Its primary goal is to put health high on the social, economic and political agenda of city governments. (WHO Europe) Environmental Health as a Global Concern Earth is one giant system, with four main divisions which are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Hilgenkamp addressed several key reasons for environmental health being a global issue. The first issue was the world population increase. It was noted that from 1950 to 1975, the world population increased by 64%. Increasing population growth means an increased need for food and waste disposal. In order to accommodate this increase, additional land must be cleared, thus taking away additional natural resources needed to maintain oxygen and water supplies in the environment. (Hilgenkamp 25) As population increases worldwide, so do the demands for energy. This increase in energy need increase the consumption of natural resources such as coal, oil, and uranium, that in turn endanger our water supplies. It also increase the amount of power plants needed, which increases the amount of air pollution, and in turn causes increases in atmospheric temperature known as global warming. In addition to the changes in climate, global warming also increase human illness because of the rise of new diseases and the reemergence of old ones. (Hilgenkamp 27) Environmental Health as an Individual Concern Since the environment provides us with so many resources such as clean air, clean water, and nutrients, environmental degradation directly influences human health. Because humans dominate most ecosystems on Earth we have a large impact on the environment, it is therefore a responsibility of each human to do their part to maintain environmental health. Overpopulation and demands on natural resources can degrade the environment. There are ways that each of us can facilitate the preservation of the environment and conservation of its resources, such as recycling products when possible, use pollution control devices, practice new farming techniques that reduce agricultural pollution, as well as adhere to laws put in place to protect us  such as the Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act. References Hilgenkamp, Kathryn. Environmental Health: Ecological Perspectives. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 09/09/2005. VitalBook file. Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. WHO Europe. Healthy Cities. Retrieved 6/10/2014 From

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Upside to Fast Food Persuasive Essay Topics

The Upside to Fast Food Persuasive Essay Topics Good persuasive essay topics must be persuasive. If you're thinking about how to compose a persuasive essay, you should know that writing an essay is a complicated process. Persuasive essays share a whole lot of resemblance with argumentative essays. In general, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. The authentic leadership essay is simple to read and understand. Still, figuring out the very best topic for your essay isn't your only concern for a student. Taking into account that lots of persuasive essays concern controversial topics, before writing, you can want to sit down and think of what your opinion on the topic actually is. There are several intriguing topics that could be become a persuasive essay if you take the opportunity to consider about doing it. Then it gets even more difficult to determine your speech topic. Well, first, you're need to find good persuasive speech topics. When choosing persuasive speech topics, you also need to take into account where you could be comfortable. Choosing persuasive speech topics isn't very hard. Writing a great persuasive essay is not a simple job, however, it's achievable. Everyone on the planet should speak English. Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's vital to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the specific area of study. The value of research in persuasive writing cannot be overstated. It's possible to develop the speaking skill in a rather effective method. While it could be hard to pick from such a number of persuasive speech topics, take into consideration which of the above you've got the most knowledge of and can argue your opinion on. Then you already understand what your topic needs to be. Still, you need to make your topic more specific. Define the key points that you wish to get across and set them in a persuasive topic. A few of the topics also fall into other categories and we've posed the topics as questions so that they are easily adapted into statements to fit your own viewpoint. The Fast Food Persuasive Essay Topics Chronicles Famous people set a terrible example for kids. Watching the news provides you with a superior selection of topics to select from. Fast food needs to be banned in schools. It should be taxed. There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Often college students get into lots of stress to get the appropriate topic for the essay. The school day ought to be shorter. The ability to make a persuasive speech is vital to any person who strives for success in any area of life and company. Though some say totally free public transportation would assist the environment and cut back traffic, others think completely free public transportation is too pricey, and the government can't afford to cover it. When you're choosing an essay topic, it's important to choose one which has a lot of information and statistics to back up your perspective, and don't exaggerate any info that you've chosen to write about. You may need to visit the library or interview individuals who are experts on your topic. It's possible for you to receive a pen and a bit of paper and write all of them down. Also, utilize all the scratch paper you want. As soon as you settle on the subject and pick the position on which you will base your essay, the remainder of the job can then begin. On the flip side, it can become an intimidating task, especially whenever you're not sure whether your choice is good. Another excellent example would be speaking about college before a teenage audience. When you choose the best topic you shall ensure it is attractive to the reader. For instance, a terrific speech topic may not be in a position to hold an audience's attention if it's not structured and organized properly. Folks aren't persuaded so much by facts as by emotion, and a wonderful public speaking suggestion is to incorporate stories in order to produce your speech far more persuasive. The manner in which you deliver your speech before the audience will also play an extremely huge role on how funny it is going to be and how it is able to influence your audience. Persuasive speech refers to a certain kind of speech where the speaker has the objective of persuading the audience to accept their perspective. Naturally, giving a fantastic persuasive speech requires more than simply selecting a fantastic topic.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The s Roles Integrating Spiritual Care Into The Health...

Chaplain’s roles: Integrating spiritual care into the health system In this paper I will be discussing the role of the chaplain in the health care system, importance of collaboration between chaplains and health care professionals, discussion on ethics, and the roles that spirituality, culture and religion play in positive health outcomes. The occupation of a chaplain comes with many different roles. Their duties include comforting, listening, and being a guide as patients travel through a world of emotions. Here in the U.S. health care chaplains play a big role in providing spiritual care and support for patients. Referring back to the mini lecture on religion and health. Spiritual assessment and care are being integrated into patient care plans. Health care organizations are starting to see that when there is a lack of understanding of patient religious or cultural needs that the quality of care decreases. In the article Collaborating with Chaplains to Meet Spiritual Needs spirituality was defined as a broad concept that signifies a person’s sense of purpose in life and connectedness to something greater themselves. It can include, but is not limited to, religious expressions (Meisenhelder, 2006 as cited in McClung, Grossoehme, Jacobson, 2006). Religion is often referred to as a set of communally held beliefs that are expressed publicly. Not everyone is religious, all people are spiritual (Koenig, McCullough, Larson 2001 as cited inShow MoreRelatedThe God Factor : Exploring The Roles1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe God Factor: Exploring the Roles VHA Chaplains Bear in Providing Human (Spiritual) Services Bob G. Stover Southern Adventist University The God Factor: Exploring the Roles VHA Chaplains Bear in Providing Human (Spiritual) Services Within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), chaplains play many different roles. 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